Archive for September, 2017

Customizing your Bathroom Vanity Cabinetry

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It’s hard to imagine a more intimate place than a home bathroom. You are as you can be once that door is closed. It’s even harder to imagine a piece of furniture that knows you better than your bathroom vanity….

Custom Kitchen Cabinets vs. Ikea Kitchen Cabinets

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IKEA may do an okay job on your cabinets, but we don’t think they really would. Get it? Because the stuff at IKEA isn’t really wood. “Oh, snap, HB Imperial Woodworks. Taking shots at a major, much larger competitor like…

Why not custom build your Kitchen Cabinets?

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Let’s talk about cabinets for a moment, shall we? It’s easy to walk into a kitchen, and focus on the appliances—the oven, the dishwasher, and maybe a unique toaster oven hybrid that bakes pizza rolls as well as it browns…